Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14


Nursery: Nursery services are provided during Sunday School and Worship.  A host of caring volunteers meet the needs of little ones while sharing God's love.   A pager system is in place to quickly contact parents if they are needed in the nursery or 2's & 3's room.

Wee Worship: Children ages 2-K gather together from 10:30A-11:00A on Sundays to sing praises, pray and interact. The children also enjoy a puppet skit! Instruction on the Lord's Supper and giving is also provided. After worship time, the 2's-3's return to their classroom for a time of play. The older children remain in the Wee Worship room for a Bible lesson, hands-on activities and games.

 Sunday School: Nursery (Birth-2 year olds)
2's & 3's (2 years-1st year preschoolers)
4's & 5's (2nd year preschoolers-Kindergarteners)

1st-4th grade

Kid's Worship: Kid's Worship takes place Sundays at 10:30A and is geared to meet the needs of elementary aged students. The students are given instruction in communion, giving and missions both stateside and around the world each week. Each month has a theme unit that guides the students through the Bible. Through hands-on interaction with peers and adults, video segments, high-energy worship and more; Kid's Worship is a place where kids get closer to JESUS!

Sunday School: Primary (1st-2nd grade)
 Middlers (3rd, 4th & 5th grade)

5th & 6th grade

Route 56: Today's tweens need to know that the Bible can be trusted. Route 56 is a time when 5th and 6th grade students can ask tough questions and receive the Biblical tools they need to help build a firm foundation on Christ for life. We encourage all 5th and 6th grade students to join us in Route 56 during the sermon time of the 10:30A Worship Service.

Sunday School: Middlers (3rd, 4th & 5th grade)
Jr High (6th, 7th & 8th grade)