Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
We feel truly blessed to be able to partner with ministries
globally, locally, and nationally.
Below is a list of different missions and ministries that we support here at Little Prairie.
Global Missions:
Local/National Missions:
Casa Por Cristo
Kids Kare
Taiwan Team Expansion
Tim & Erin McSaveny/PBT
Cing Root
Katherine Shilling
Kids Kare
Taiwan Team Expansion
Tim & Erin McSaveny/PBT
Cing Root
Katherine Shilling
Chicago District Evangelism (IGNITE)
Hope Center (Albion)
Mission III Academy
Nathaniel Whisler (FCA)
Oblong Christian Children's Home
Oil Belt Christian Service Camp
Pinehaven Ranch & School
Hope Center (Albion)
Mission III Academy
Nathaniel Whisler (FCA)
Oblong Christian Children's Home
Oil Belt Christian Service Camp
Pinehaven Ranch & School
Bible Colleges/Campus Ministries:
Miscellaneous Funds for Speakers
Scholarship Fund
Scholarship Fund