Our Facilities
Our facility was built in 2009 when the Family Life Center was added onto Little Prairie Christian Church. We want to make your child as comfortable as possible!

My name is Danielle (Lankford) Kimbrell. I live in rural Albion with my husband, Stan. I enjoy country living, reading, decorating and much more. I serve in a part-time capacity as Director of Children's Ministry at LPCC as well as my position with the preschool. I began my tenure with Little Prairie Preschool in November of 1998. It is a joy to teach little ones! To have the opportunity to get to know children during their formative years is a precious privilege. Every day is different because one cannot predict what a preschooler might say or do! It is great to be a part of their accomplishments as well. Over the course of a child's time with us, it is fulfilling to see growth socially, spiritually, with motor skills and in academics. Getting to know so many people and families through my work at the preschool has been a true highlight for me as well. I am blessed to work at a place where I can daily follow Jesus' command to "let the little children come to me". I love teaching God's Word, the Bible, to the students daily as well as helping with Scripture verse memorization and singing Bible songs both old and new. I can't wait to hear from those interested in enrolling a child!

I have been a teacher at Little Prairie Preschool since March of 2022. I live in Albion and have two sons, Kade and Hayden. Teaching preschool is a joy. I love watching the students grow and learn each day.